Carleton College Skinner Memorial Chapel
Northfield, MN

This project included replacement of the century old heating and electrical systems, addition of air conditioning, replacement of lighting and installation of period appropriate lighting fixtures, theatrical lighting and new sound systems. Work was completed in September 2015 prior to the Skinner Chapel’s 100-year anniversary in 2016. The facility is used by the college and community for many events and the improvements set the chapel up for the next 100 years.
The existing mechanical systems were large and required Terra to remove or move all the existing pews and cut a hole in the main sanctuary floor to remove these components and rig and install the new mechanical systems. The new Air Handling Units (AHU’s) were ordered, dismantled and refabricated on site. Much of the duct distribution systems and piping were rigged into place and then connected to the terminal units. Additionally,
the electrical lighting distribution conduits were installed in a manner that was respectful of the existing historic nature of the chapel. Scaffolding was erected at the beginning of the project to allow easy and safe access for completion of all the work.
*Minnesota Construction Association 2016 Merit Award for Renovation, Expansion or Tenant Improvement Project